Reliability is the ability of a product to perform as expected without exceeding the expected failure probability within the specified field condition. This is one of the essential aspects for the success of any device. This is an interview of Dr. Viswam Puligandla, PhD.
What are the drivers for reliability issues?
Modern day electronic appliances, mainly portable electronics, are subject to a multitude of simultaneous stresses. These include: thermal, vibration, shock, and condensing and non-condensing moisture stresses (among others). Reliability needs to be built in to the product at the design stage with the appropriate choice of materials. It is important to recognize for any design, the choice of a specific set of materials, while providing against a given stress, may not provide adequate protection against other stresses. In such cases deeper enhancements to reliability may have to be provided to ensure product reliability.
What product levels are involved?
These reliability enhancements encompass considerations at all levels of electronic packaging and include: board design, package design, choice & application of encapsulation, and choice of underfill materials with defined material properties.
Even with the best design and manufacturing practices, it is imperative that some amount rework and repair of assemblies becomes operative. Reliability enhancements of materials and methodologies must be amenable to repair and rework, especially when the product is complex and expensive.
Dr Puligandla is a member of the consulting staff at Electronics Alliance, and his bio is on the website.